Saturday, January 14, 2012

the akka channel ? ? ?

5:48 AM // DAY 4 
Meditation Time: 1 Hour and 1 Minute

  I second guessed myself yesterday after going live with this blog. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING AKKA??? I mean, not only do I have to meditate every morning like I said I would, but now I have to write every morning too?! Not to mention I have just let the whole world virtually walk in on my most sacred time, my most intimate self-time. What kind of a weirdo am I? Despite my confidence proceeding a launch - every time I actually go public with something new, I have all the thoughts that make me human and make me feel exposed and ridiculous for trying. But the good news is... I'm getting used to the - I can do anything - I can't do anything - F*%k it I'm gonna do anything anyway (because that's what I signed up for and I'm not backing down) rhythm, that rides in the saddle of all I do. 

  Did anything I just wrote make any sense? 

  Meditation this morning... LOVE! I slipped into my sitting place and heard myself tell myself over and over again, LET GO, Let Go, You Can't Control Any Of This Anyway So Just Let Go.... And I did, more than any of the other proceeding days. I felt the buttery feeling I've been hoping for. My body softened like it had been slurping up mid-morning sun, but it wasn't hot, it was silky. An hour passed - it felt like 22 minutes. 

  Then I climbed back under my Saturday morning covers and had the most luxurious sleep I've had in months. I slept till 9AM!!!! A miracle. 

  I'm totally into miracles.

Rewind to Day 3
Fast Forward to Day 5


  1. My comment didn't post :(. So this is a test to see if it shows up ;)

  2. I just lost an entire long post...sigh
    BTW This is Kim from Facebook...
    I thought what you wrote made perfect sense, and inspired me to find time for my passion today, I love your passion & compassion.
    If you dream it and believe in it, you can become it...

    1. Oh yes Kim, it's absolutely true! What I'm experiencing is the more you let your self slide into who you really are, and find rest there - not punish yourself for it or doubt it or compare yourself with others - the more life begins to hand you what you need to continue to make it happen. The process quickly becomes effortless - M A G I C A L! It begins & ends with self-acceptance and love.

  3. well thanks akka for doing this, cuz now I have meditated two days in a row. there you go, having a positive impact. sheesh what are we gonna do with you. Karuna

    1. YAY CAROL!!!! wooohooo! Now that makes my day!!! xoxo keep on keepin' on!
