Tuesday, January 24, 2012

the key of loving i

10:02 AM // Day 14
Meditation Time: 28min.

Too simple it would be
To find atop an icy mountain 
Or gather
Under waterfalls of man made stars

Too easy it would be -  
To catch in the first wave
Ride in the first high
Hit - the rock bottom 

Too common it would be
To grasp from pages of a well told story
One with religious undertones/or overtones

(Way too common that would be)

This Simple
Too asking
To wondering
Too challenging
To investing
Too testing
To trying
Too regretting
To getting
Too losing
To trusting
Too fearing

To friending

The love

Too simple

This l o v e 
i hide

1 comment:

  1. I know, I know... very abstract. It was late and I was writing fast and I had been writing all day. Too much maybe?

    This poem is about that eternal question: What is the purpose/meaning of life?

    We scale the farthest reaches of the universe trying to decode it and even those farthest reaches are easier than the most obvious place that answer hides.

    It's in us of course! But how is it in us? Loving ourselves for real and realizing that every thing that happens in our outer world is a mirror of what happens in our inner world. And how we respond to what we see on the outside is filtered through the lens with which we look at our self.

    The answer to the universe is too simple to be simple - I guess that's what I was getting at in this poem. Not sure if I reached it effectively, but that's why this "journal" is about the question, not about the answer.
