5:55am // Day 1
Meditation Time: 30min.
This is not the first day of the new year, or a full moon, or a new
moon, or my birthday or any particularly auspicious day for renewing commitment to Self - (makes me wonder who the authorities are on auspicious days). It's a school day for my 12-year-old, it's Wednesday, and it's not raining.
At 5:55am I had been awake long enough to have a quick shower and prepare a space for my intentional return. Meditation - like I used to do. The great dip inside; the great reside. To be honest, I've been tinkering with a meditation routine since the start of this new year, working up to it, but only in a dabbling way... a wondering if I'll be able to follow through with it kind of way.
Can I? Will I be able to greet each day by honoring my insides first, quieting without falling asleep, seeing without looking, hearing without listening and being without becoming? I don't know for sure anything, except - I want to.
Today I sat for 30 minutes, but it zipped by like it was 10. I stayed awake and watched the thoughts spin like I expected to. I breathed deeply when I remembered, and sat up more straight when I forgot. I was aware of the cat chasing itself outside my door and my child shuffling across the early hours, and yes - I did think about superfluous things and non-superfluous things, and writing this blog post, and dreams and challenges and such.
Hi, I am akka b. and I am beginning. Again. Already I have a strange excitement about this. Not only sharing all the ways I enter meditation and meditation enters me, but how it changes my life, what works, what doesn't - just everything. Yes, I am going to share with you EVERYTHING about this mystical tour of my insides, and my search for peace in this very outside leaning world.
Feel free to comment, share, ask and wonder along with me. You may even feel inclined to try such an experiment yourself - if you aren't doing so already.
I enCOURAGE you. And I thank you for being here, because you also enCOURAGE me.
Big love on the first day of all the rest,
akka b.
Fast forward to Day 2
Hi Akka. I'll play with you!